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Tomasz Klejdysz/Getty ImagesPowdery Mildew
Also known as:
Where is it found?:
- In heavy shade.
- In slow growing lawns.
What causes it?:
- Low light intensity.
- Cooler temperatures, between 60 and 70 degrees and high humidity.
- Poor air circulation.
Brief physical description:
- Cobwebby-type growth on the upper surface of leaf blades.
- In advanced cases, leaf blades appear completely coated with talc or flour.
Best way to treat or prevent:
- Increase light penetration and air circulation by pruning or removing trees and other vegetation.
- Reduce watering if areas remain unusually wet for long periods.
- Lightly fertilize to promote foliar growth. That way you’ll remove the infected leaf blades quicker.
Good to know: